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Here you will find a selection of the most important publications available in printed form. We list books only. If you are also interested in articles, have a look elsewhere at this website or at the list of publications |
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Africa’s Orphaned Generations: Millions of children in Africa have lost one or both parents due to HIV and AIDS, or are confronted by the challenges of poverty and conflict. These vulnerable children face material hardship, socio-economic disadvantage, social stigma, emotional isolation and psychological trauma. Their individual burden poses also a threat to the collective development of the countries affected. For 10 years, the Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative (REPSSI) has developed psychosocial support tools to help children cope with their loss and regain confidence. REPSSI and its partners (Governments, international organizations, NGOs) in 13 countries of Southern and East Africa incorporate these tools into healthcare, poverty alleviation and education programs. REPSSI has notably been supported by the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD), Swiss Development Cooperation, SIDA and NORAD. A new book by Richard Gerster, “Africa’s Orphaned Generations: It takes more than a village to raise a child" (“Afrikas verwaiste Generationen: wie Kinder von Aidsopfern eine Zukunft erhalten") provides insights into the situation of the affected families and children, and explores the contribution of REPSSI and its partners in building up state-of-the-art psychosocial support. The book in German was published by Orell Füssli, Zurich (see below). The English version is available now for download as an e-book below. The publication will be launched on two occasions in Zurich and Basel:
Outputs: (1) English: The e-book „Africa’s Orphaned Generations: It takes more than a village to raise a child” can be downloaded here. Being a free e-book of 120pp., a donation to REPSSl is recommended, for particulars see page 2 of the e-book. (2) German: published by Orell Füssli, Zurich, entitled “Afrikas verwaiste Generationen. Wie Kinder von Aidsopfern eine Zukunft erhalten”, hardcopy SFR 24.90, 160 pp, Bestellung hier Author: Richard Gerster
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Switzerland as an Emerging Economy. How Switzerland became rich
These are the guiding questions of this publication as it presents cornerstones of Swiss economic history in an easily readable and illustrated manner. By no means is this publication a request for other countries to copy Switzerland's path to prosperity. There are no one-size-fits-all approaches, least of all in today's completely changed economic world order. At the same time learning from experience is not forbidden. In this publication it is not the Swiss but personalities from Africa, Asia and Central America who draw conclusions from the described historical developments. It can be downloaded in German and English. |
Output: 34 pp Authors: Richard Gerster Download PDFs: Switzerland as an Emerging Economy (english) Schwellenland Schweiz (german)
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Partners in Development: India and Switzerland
It aims at answering questions such as „What characterises Swiss development cooperation in India?“, „What has been achieved?“ and „What are the lessons learned?“ The book is based on some 250 interviews with Indian partners, former and current Swiss employees, independent observers in both countries as well as on numerous documents and publications. In spite of its small size Switzerland managed to become known as an influential niche player in India. Swiss contributions in areas such as animal husbandry or dairy farming, disaster prevention, rural housing, drinking water, microfinance or infrastructure financing have had an impact not only at the local level, but also at the state level – they even influenced national policies for 1,1 billion people. Experiences from development cooperation in India had reciprocal influences on Swiss programmes in other countries. Overall, both the Government and NGOs have reached much more than could realistically be expected. These successes are those of the Indian partners. Forewords by Micheline Calmy-Rey, Swiss Minister for Foreign Affairs, and M.S. Swaminathan, M.P. and President M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation. This timely publication is highly relevant for the forthcoming decisions by the Swiss Parliament to shape the future contribution of Switzerland to development cooperation. |
Output: (1) in English by Social Science Press, Delhi in cooperation with Berghahn Books, Oxford/New York, entitled “Partners in Development. India and Switzerland”, USD 75, 154 pp, (2) In French by Editions Favre, Lausanne, ”La coopération entre la Suisse et l’Inde. Au dela des clichés de la pauvreté et du miracle économique”, CHF 33, 192 pp, (Link) (3) in German by Orell Füssli Verlag, Zurich, entitled „Swissness made in India. Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und die Zusammenarbeit Schweiz – Indien“, CHF 34.80, 156 pp, (Link) Author: Richard Gerster
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Switzerland, part of the global village
The world influences Switzerland, and vice versa. A brochure just published by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) highlights Switzerland's strengths and weaknesses in the context of North-South relations. 20 attractive graphs illustrate facts and comparisons in the fields of politics, economics, society and cooperation. The SDC commissioned Richard Gerster to prepare the brochure, which is available in German, French and Italian. The publication can be downloaded on the right or at the SDC’s website, where hard copies can be ordered also, free of charge (again in German, French, Italian, but not in English). |
Output: 50 pp. Author: Richard Gerster Download PDFs: CH & Welt (German) CH & monde (French) CH & mondo (Italian)
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Mondialisation et équité («Globalisation and Equity»)
Output: 208 pp. Author: Richard Gerster Editions Loisir et Pédagogie, CH-1052 Le Mont-sur Lausanne, CHF 39, à commander
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Globalisation and Equity ("Globalisierung und Gerechtigkeit")
More than 70 graphic multi-coloured presentations mirror inequalities of wealth and poverty, power, politics, trade, finance, environment across the globe. A dozen development success stories are presented. The first edition of this publication, often used at high schools, won two major educational awards: The Blue Planet Award, and the Golden Slate Award. Selected graphs on core issues in North-South relations are accessible at this homepage under information/graphs. |
Output: 204 pp., hardback publication by hep-Verlag. Berne 2005 Author: Richard Gerster Order for CHF 39 at hep - Verlag
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Up-scaling Pro-Poor ICT Policies and Practices: A Review of Experience with Emphasis on Low Income Countries in Asia and Africa
Why this gap between potential and achievements in the ICT contribution towards reaching the MDGs? What key barriers impede the implementation of declarations? How can we multiply, upscale and replicate successful pilot projects? The study on ' Up-scaling Pro-Poor ICT-Policies and Practices' , a joint publication by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), India, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) provides answers to such pertinent questions. A draft of this paper served as background for an expert meeting in Chennai that produced the 'Chennai Statement', released in January 2005. The study and the statement contribute to a multi-dimensional poverty reduction agenda for the implementation of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Principles and Action Plan, to be closely linked to of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The final study report was released on February 18, 2005, on the occasion of a panel discussion ? Promoting WSIS – MDG Synergies' hosted jointly by MSSRF, SDC and the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP), and held as a side event of WSIS Prepcom II in Geneva (Switzerland). The publication can be downloaded here or hard copies are available free of charge from |
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How Switzerland Diminishes Its Digital Divide
It was published by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in response to many requests for information from cooperation partners and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The main question examined is how Switzerland deals with its own internal, regional and social disparities regarding policies for, and use of, information and communication technologies (ICTs). What lessons are to be learnt from the Swiss experience by economically weaker and poverty stricken developing countries on their way to information societies? Free paper copies can be ordered at |
Output: 42 pp. Authors: Richard Gerster and Andrea Haag Download PDF: Diminishing Digital Divide
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